Monarchia Park Betriebs GmbH.
Lachtal 500
8831 Schönberg-Lachtal
Steiermark, Austria
Telephone: 0043/3587 27360
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Hereinafter Monarchia Park Betriebs GmbH reserves the right to change and supplement the information provided.
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On the website, the so-called information about cookies
Cookies are important for the proper functioning of the site. In order to enhance the user experience, we use cookies that remind you of your login information and ensure a secure login, collect statistical data to optimize site functions, and display content tailored to your interests. To accept cookies, click the "I agree and continue" button, and then you will go directly to the page: a detailed description of the types of cookies can be accessed by clicking the "More information" button, where you can choose whether to accept each cookie during your stay on the site.
These cookies help the website to be usable and functional.
These cookies allow us to analyze the use of the site, so that we can assess and improve our performance.
These cookies are used by various advertising companies who display advertisements that match your interests.
These cookies ensure the proper functioning of the website, facilitate its use, and collect information about its use without identifying our visitors. Remember, without the use of these cookies, we cannot guarantee you a comfortable use of our website.
It is important for us to know what happens on our pages and services, and how our users use our services. For this purpose, we collect statistical data, including personal data, when using the website.
It provides advertisements that match your interests on different platforms, and with the help of these we can display personalized offers, special offers and messages for you.
Extended analytics cookies
These cookies allow us to analyze the use of the site, so that we can assess and improve our performance.
Marketing cookies
These cookies are used by various advertising companies who display advertisements that match your interests.